Thursday, January 22, 2015

Kyphosis Fixer for PE 3.0

This new version is for me far more effective than the first and the second one (the second one was also quite fast updated to 2.1).

Simply put, this new version is the 2.1 version + lifting the legs= a 3.0 version.

Here is how to do this new 3.0 version:

1.      Lie down on the stomach on a hard surface and hold your hands along the sides and look down (you may also hold a pair of light weighted dumbbells or rocks around 1.5 kg each).
2.      Lift your upper body and the arms at the same time as you lift your legs. Look forward and breathe out (exhale) powerfully. Make your hands touch each other above your back.

3.      Repeat 10 times, 3 sets. 

Note: Be sure to NOT put to much pressure on the flared ribs and also do NOT lift yourself up too highly, just lift yourself a few centimeters from a hard flat surface.


  1. Am I supposed to breathe in on step 1 or when?

  2. Just relax in step 1. Then breathe out in step 2. After that, Let the body inhale by itself (don't think about it).

  3. Hello! First of all, let me say a huge thanks for all of your insightful work and research, it's very motivating and inspiring. I would like to ask if training in the gym and doing exercises like bench press, squats, deadlifts, rows,etc. on a regular basis would interfere with your correction program?

  4. Mike: I think that it is OK to go to the gym and do bodybuilding exercises. I have tried it myself without any negative effects. Just measure the depth regularly to be sure.

  5. Hi Björn!
    Just want to start with a big thank you for all your effort on your blog and webpage.
    I have a "medium" case of PE which i have always been told is "genetic" and if i don´t want to get under the knife have to live with. But after reading this blog i feel that perhaps the real answer is different as a lot seems true to me. People are different and perhaps this is "just" a type of "välfärdssjukdom" for people with a certain type of bodyshape. 43 in shoe size at a young age. Tall and no weight. Thin frame. Been walking on my heals since then. Today i am 24 and it has been getting worse until now when i realize i have to try to do something about it. I am keeping my sneakers on until summer but walking on the big part of the foot and not just the heal. Do you think this is an acceptable technique? starting with your sleep technique and "rib brace". Will follow this blog and hopefully it will make some difference! Thanks again. Jakob from Sweden.

  6. hey Björn i have PE that is sort of mild and i have just started doing your exercise i know that it is going to take a while to reduce it bur i am just wondering how long would i have to do this to see some results i am also 15 and still growing witch i think will benefit the PE by doing these exercises too at the age that I am and thank you for the support by posting this blog

  7. After doing this exercise for few weeks, I just do step 2. with normal breathing and hold this position for about 1 minute ... , then I go back to step1 for 10 seconds and repeat, I find this way to be more convenient

  8. 2 anonymous-answers: (1)If you try to correct the upper body but still using ordinary shoes other parts of the body will get out of position and there will be an unnatural high pressure on the forefoot. Therefore it is a must to lower the heels to the ground, that is my strong advice. (2) It is the whole picture that matters. If my blog and what is says is followed it will just take a few weeks to see and feel a difference (very likely). Being up on the feet (walking) with zero drop makes almost an instant effect.

  9. Hello Björn. Thank you for all that you do to help us.

    I have read somewhere in the comments that you are about to make some videos on how to perform the exercises properly. When do you plan to upload them ? I will be very grateful to see them because I am afraid I can't perform the exercises properly.

    I wondered whether I could send you some pictures of my case and explain you my situation because I have become very afraid of what has happened to me during the last 2 years and I believe that you are the only person who can help me. I will be very grateful if this can happen because I need advice.

  10. Anonymous 27 april: I will get a better camera soon. I have tried with the camera had but it has too low the forum you can upload a picture and ask me something.

  11. Thank you very much. I appreciate that . I will try to make the pictures these days. Unfortunately I have some obligations that bother me and they may delay me a little.
