Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Forum Concerning This Blog: Now Ready to Use

I created a simple forum immediately when my sites came to exist. It should now work as a full working forum. It is free but this forum is powered by Google and needs a registration, but you can still be anonymous. Just create a new e-mail account.

It will still be possible to ask me a question as anonymous here on my blog without any form of registration. 

This is something new to me so hope everything works like it should. Just comment below if something doesn’t work as expected.

The main reason for this forum to exist is that readers of this blog can post their stories about their recovery process (including pictures/photos). This is probably the best way to help other readers to get going I believe. It doesn't matter if the improvements are small or big. And also remember that engagement in a medical evolution/revolution can be a huge merit and you are the copyright holder of your material although it's on this site.

One basic rule in the forum: You must have completely migrated to zero drop shoes and not mix with other shoes. This site is NOT just yet another failure site about pectus excavatum. Failure is NOT an option this time. Don't ever believe that exercises, braces, clavicle support alone can fix PE. Thousands and yet thousands of people have already UN-successfully tried that out over the last two decades. To those of you with zero drop shoes I am really happy to have you in the forum.

The name I have put on my site "REVOLUTION" is exactly this. Barefoot/zero drop revolution related to pectus excavatum!

Just click here to get to the forum.


  1. Hello.

    Sorry i haven't found any way to contact you other than commenting your latest post.

    Have you seen this ?

    What are you thoughts on it, if any ?

    Also, I read your post on how to measure PE, but could you give me an idea of what measurements would indicate PE ? I feel a shortness in breath and my chest wall seems a bit deformed, but i only measured 17mm deep while lying on the ground eyes on the ceiling (25mm) while standing and looking down).

  2. It is OK to comment here. My personal view is that I will never do any form surgery. My record is 95%. If I can't fix it 100%; I don't care. I will never go surgery. I will never recommend any form of unnatural method, it is up to everyone to make their decisions.
