Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sternum Lifter 3.0 (at the gym or even at home)

Basically; this exercise is a combination of "Special Push ups for Pectus Excavatum" (just turned upside down) and sternum lifter 1 and 2, which can be found on this blog.

When doing this exercise it is very important to get the right proportions of force so that the sum of all forces around the sternum = 0. This will give the optimum stretch and lifting effect of the sternum.

As the picture shows the goal is to activate the pectoralis minor muscles and the core muscles in the opposite direction.

1.      Lie down on a leaning bench in the opposite direction to what is usually done.

2.      Just follow the instructions in the illustration.


  1. All of your exercices are very great, thanks! How Many repetitions would you do?

    1. Hi, 10 reps 3 sets is a suggestion, a few times a week. One thing which I found very important is to not do exercises to often. The most important thing is to focus on ergonomics.
