Monday, December 9, 2013

Flat Feet, Elevated Heels and Pectus Excavatum

My theory about flat feet and pectus excavatum: The cause of extremely flat feet is genetics and elevated heels (in most cases). I am sure about it. Since I stopped wearing shoes that lifts up the human heel there have been a dramatic change of my feet. The feet have become much higher and increased in width. The perimeter right above the feet has increased by around 4 cm and the feet have been lifted up on the middle just by walking (no specific training).

I believe that there is a connection between flat feet and pectus excavatum. Flat feet is caused by high mobility in the foot and pectus excavatum is caused by high mobility in the thorax. The connective tissue that binds and holds together the bones and muscles are very soft in both these cases.

Why do ordinary shoes make the feet flattened? When the heel is elevated the pressure on the forefoot will increase dramatically and cause a tension in the foot and make them a little longer, thinner, less in width, and more flattened. People with flat feet should put more of the weight on the heels and the opposite side to the arch by lower them to the ground. Barefoot/zero drop shoes will make that happen. Based on my experience, I can make the following conclusion: I believe that ordinary shoes can cause problems in the whole body because every single part of it will be more or less affected.

1. The perimeter in this area: +4 cm.
2. My feet have started to develop an arch.
3 .The big toe is pointing almost completely forward (not to the side).

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Lift Your Sternum During Sleep 3.0

This latest sleeping-strategy is simply a combination of the first and the second one (both available on my blog). A chronological combination of them which I have tested for a while and it has proved to be outstanding the most effective way and my new record is 5 mm. My last published improvement record before this one was 9 mm. But I must say that it is quite difficult to keep the sternum at this new record. It depends a lot on how much I am up on the feet (without ordinary shoes). If it is possible to reach full correction (?) of course I don’t know but I’ll try but anyway it feels great to know that I have full control over my sternum at the moment and I can say that I have reached 90% correction (will soon publish a new picture).

To be clear:
First “How to Lift Your Sternum During Sleep” as described (skip step 3) and then directly (the same night) “How to Lift Your Sternum During Sleep 2.0”. These together I call “How to Lift Your Sternum During Sleep 3.0”. I believe them to be of significant value to make dramatic improvements to PE.

The first one can be found here and the second one is here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Blog: Pectus Carinatum Revolution Blog

A new blog about PC, but it will also be about PE as well because the two conditions are probably closely linked together. I have newly come up with a theory about why some people develop a combination of PC and PE and a very important statistic question for people with PC. I think it is needed from many aspects to keep PC and PE a little bit apart from each other when it comes to blogs and websites even though they are linked together. For those of you who are interested, you can get to this new blog by clicking here.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pectus Carinatum vs Pectus Excavatum Theory

When my theories about pectus excavatum took form I made a parallel research in the field of pectus carinatum. It would of course have been idiotic not to do so. For those of you who are interested, you can read the “pc vs pe theory” here (a new homepage called Pectus Carinatum Revolution).

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Zero Drop Shoes/Barefoot Shoes a Must to Fix Pectus Excavatum

The picture below illustrates how the curvature in the upper back (an arrow points on it) comes to exist because of ordinary shoes. I recommend strongly to consider buying a pair of zero drop shoes/barefoot shoes. Just google it and you will probably find something of interest. As long as the curvature of the spine is present pectus excavatum will be created. To be up on the feet in movement with a pair of zero drop shoes/barefoot shoes is probably the easiest and most effortless way to make improvements to PE. Everyone should use this kind of shoes to make humanity a lot healthier.

Read more here

Advanced Version Here

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nutrition and Pectus Excavatum

I believe that the most important thing to think about when it comes to food is to eat things that are good for the muscles but also remove things that are potentially bad. I don’t say that my ideas about nutrition and PE applies to everyone but I will in this post tell what I do and believe is good. Let’s start with what I have removed and why.

During recovery (as described here on my blog) the muscles in the upper back will be stretched so that the kyphosis will be fixed and the sternum lifts out. I believe that some things can cause the muscles to be very stiff and possibly make the recovery very difficult and even impossible. Here is a list of different kinds of things that I have removed from my daily intake:

Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, tobacco, wheat, butter, sugar and all forms of unnatural ingredients (many E-numbers). Chocolate is absolutely the worst of them probably caused by theobromine that can be extremely unhealthy for some animals. Minimize the salt intake is very positive for the muscles.

Tip: If the heart rate rise a lot directly after a meal it may be caused by something that the body doesn’t like obviously. For me personally that can happen especially after eating wheat. Another tip is that I think it is very important to be observant about allergic cross reactions and food allergy in general.

And now to the list of what I have found to be especially good during recovery:

Fish (seafood in general), potatoes, rye, oats, rice, eggs, cooking oil (instead of butter), fruits and vegetables especially cucumber and lemon, quite a lot of water (instead of all forms of liquid).

I try to follow the above rules as much as possible. The two most important things (I belive), is to almost never eat chocolate (kakao) and wheat or possibly very small amounts of them.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Light Weight Exercise for Pectus Excavatum: Sternum Lifter

I have during the last two months found out what I believe is the ultimate way to lift and stretch the sternum. It is a light weight exercise that I have developed myself. I will call this exercise “Sternum Lifter”. It activates the muscles in the upper body in two opposite directions which will make the sternum to stretch and lift. I believe that it’s best to do it right before going to sleep so that the muscles in the upper back will get optimal rest during the night. How to do it?

Because this is a light weight exercise you don’t have to buy dumbbells. I grabbed two rocks with a weight around 1.5 kg each.

1.       Lie down on the back with the arms along the side.

2.       Lift the upper body a few centimeters at the same time as you lift the arms so that the rocks              touch each other as illustrated in the picture (not higher than the illustration shows).

3.       Repeat many times (10 reps, 2-3 sets).

Note: I believe that it is very important to not use too heavy weights because that will probably make the wrong muscles to be activated. This is a so called “light weight exercise”. It is also very important to not lift the arms too high. Not higher than the picture shows.

Monday, September 9, 2013

How to Lift Your Sternum During Sleep 2.0

This is an improved version of the first one. A very thin pillow shall be placed over the circle to the right where the head shall be placed. One should try to sleep as much as possible on the back to keep the upper back in correct position. This will help to fix the kyphosis related to pectus excavatum and make the sternum to lift a little every night. To be sure that it is done correctly one can put one hand on the upper back while lying down. The upper back shall be lifted up a little so that the curvature disappears. I sleep the whole night in this type of bed, as much as possible on the back. My kyphotic spine is almost gone after this implementation and my sternum does not fall back during the night.

The circle to the right is material which has been cut out. All of the material shown in the picture shall be “medium soft”. The circle should be around 20 cm.

Friday, September 6, 2013

From Around 50 mm to 9 mm

Here is a photo showing my 9 mm record. To keep the sternum in this position I need to follow my routine otherwise it falls back (a few millimeters) inwards very fast.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is Kyphotic Spine and Why one Must Fix it?

Kyphoptic spine is a curvature of the spine. People with pectus excavatum have it. It can be so small so it is almost impossible to know it’s there. From side view it protrudes out a little in the upper back. The best way to have a look on it is to use two mirrors and look at the upper back close to the neck or you can consult a doctor to have a look on it. I have found that it can come to exist because of three reasons.

1.       Standing up with ordinary shoes that lifts up the human heels (the posture will be bad).

2.       Sleep on the back in a very soft bed and use of a pillow that lifts the head up.

3.       Sitting down in a back leaning posture.
To get rid of it and to fix pectus excavatum it is necessary to keep the upper back in a correct position 24 hours a day. As long as the curvature of the spine is present I believe that it is impossible to lift the sternum completely because the ribs that are attached to the sternum are also attached to the spine where the curvature is located. The curvature makes the ribs to pull in the sternum and also makes the muscles to malfunction in the upper back causing the rib cage to fall down.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New Method to Improve Pectus Excavatum

Edit 9 feb 2014: "This method worked for me as long as my ribs flared out. When they were fixed almost 100% I stopped with this method". 
I have found during my research that it is important to stabilize the whole thorax when using support. I have now implemented a new method to my strategy and I believe that it is very useful. The closer to full correction the more difficult to make improvements, but I continue to find new ways. The support I wear in the pictures is made of a very elastic material. There should be a very mild pressure from it. The whole thorax is involved in the development of pectus excavatum therefore I think it is necessary to brace it as a whole. The support I wear should be used the opposite way than normal. The front should be at the back of the human body and vice versa. I have also tried to use it during sleep a few days a week and it helps.

Shoes that lifts up the human heels shall not be in use to make the posture perfect. If ordinary shoes are in use it may not work at all or very poorly.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Special Push Ups for Pectus Excavatum

A lot of people have tried to fix their pe with bodybuilding. I have never seen a bodybuilder who has made very huge improvements of the sternum. If you know about someone who has made big improvements to this specific deformity, please make a comment because that would be a big sensation.
During my research I have really tried to figure out how every single bone interacts with every single muscle and the best tip I can give you is to do so called incline push-ups (the feet shall be lower than the upper body). Why?

When doing this exercise the pelvis will be rotated to maximal perfection. This will in turn activate the abdomen perfectly. And together with interaction of the upper part of the chest the rib cage will be stretched and the sternum lifts out. Even the kyphotic spine related to pe will be improved and the blood flow in the upper back will increase.

Another significant benefit from this training method is that the upper chest (along the shoulder line) will grow, and it will make the chest as a whole, to look a lot better.

Tip: You can for example do this exercise with the hands on a normal bed and the feet on the floor.

Note: Most people don’t seem to know that people with pectus excavatum have a small curvature of the spine. It can be so small so it is almost unnoticeable. My theory predicts that the sunken sternum and the kyphotic spine are interrelated. And to fix pectus excavatum the spine must be normalized (the muscles shall be stretched so that the spine can be straightened).
The best instruction video I found for how to do incline push-ups :

This exercise is probably one of the most misunderstood exercises in the world. Amateurs tend to believe that it activates mostly the lower part of the chest. My advice is, listen to the experts not the amateurs. The vast majority (which includes most amateurs) are wrong.

Remember that you can always ask me a question in the forum on my website. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Why are Men Over-represented in the Pectus Excavatum Statistics

There are around three times more men whom have pectus excavatum than women. It is a statistically fact.

My main theory is (as I stated earlier) that pectus excavatum is caused by ergonomic reasons combined with genetic factors. The ergonomic main reason after birth is to lift the human heel with ordinary shoes (shoes with heels) so that they manipulates with the skeletal and muscular system in the human body. The human body is perfectly constructed for walking without shoes (it is a scientific fact).

What is the difference between men and women from an ergonomic perspective that is the big question here? And a little more detailed question is of course what is the difference when it comes to shoes?
I think the answer is that men are taller and have bigger feet in general. What effect will it have? The bigger feet, the bigger will the moment (Nm, newton metre) be when the feet are lifted up under the heels. This means that it is more likely that the body reacts by leaning backwards. And as my main theory goes, that is the devastating reaction that may lead to pe. What will the effect be if a person is very tall? The taller the person is the further away from the ergonomic balance line that person will go. This theory I have, is illustrated mathematically in the picture below.


The left figure is a tall person with big feet representing men and the one to the right illustrates women.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why are People with Pectus Excavatum so Skinny

It is known today that almost all people with pectus excavatum are very skinny. Why? I will here give you my theory about that fact.

First of all today science know that people with pectus excavatum are very healthy in general. There is nothing wrong with the metabolism, that is linked to pectus excavatum. There are no known reasons why skinniness is so common (almost everyone). I have earlier stated that pectus excavatum is caused by a compression and rotation of the thorax causing the sternum to be pulled in by the ribs. The space in the upper part of the thorax will therefore be smaller than it should be. Because of the compression and rotation and the sunken sternum, the diaphragm has less space to operate in and to compensate for the smaller space in the upper part of the thorax the diaphragm starts to expand the lungs in the lower part of the thorax causing the ribs to flare out (not only because of the rotation). And now to the point. It is much more energy demanding to constantly lift the lower part of the ribcage than it is to expand the lungs in the upper part of the thorax. This will rise the demand for food consumption a lot. Most people simply don’t eat that much and this will lead to the skinniness. The diaphragm is quite big so it is common sense that if it works a lot more, the energy consumption by it will rise dramatically.
Conclusion: Over activity in the diaphragm, flared ribs and skinniness are linked together.

Monday, August 5, 2013

How to Lift Your Sternum During Sleep

I have been working on a method to lift the sternum during sleep and now I have started to implement it to my self-treatment. I have tested it for some time to see if it really helps. And the result is that I believe that it is a must to effectively reduce pectus excavatum and hopefully finally reach full correction. The picture below shows how I sleep at the moment and I do it every night the initial 2 hours. After just a few weeks there have been a dramatic improvement to my condition. My depth in the chest was about 1.3 cm when I posted the latest picture and now after my new implementation it is about 9 mm.

The surface shall be 1. Very hard. 2. Keep the human body warm (if it’s cold it will not work properly).

This method will recover the shortening of the back (stretch the muscles) and reduce and hopefully fix the kyphotic spine related to pectus excavatum. The flared ribs will also be dramatically improved.

1.      Do not eat 3 hours before going to sleep to make the diaphragm to work optimal (maximize the space) so it can help to lift the sternum.

2.      Sleep on the back without pillow (extremely important).

3.      Sleep the rest of the night in a normal bed (quite hard) on the left and the right side.

The picture below shows what kind of material I sleep on. It is cellular plastic. But I think you can use a sleeping mat as long as it is very hard and keeps you warm.
     Note: As long as you use shoes that lift up your heels
    your progress will most likely be lost. I recomend to
  read everything on my blog to get the full picture. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ordinary Shoes the Main Cause of Pectus Excavatum

How can a small change under the feet cause pe?

I think we have to start from the beginning and ask a very basic question. What are the bones and the muscles in the body for? If the bones were removed the body would fall to the ground obviously. What would happen if the muscles were removed? The same thing. The conclusion of this is that the muscles and the bones are dependent of each other to keep up the human body. I think it’s important to keep that in mind.

Now to the question what will happen when you lift up the feet with “ordinary shoes”? My definition of ordinary shoes is that there is a difference between the front and the back of them causing the human heel to lift up a little. If not all, almost all shoes are constructed this way, why? I think it is mostly because of three reasons: Cultural, economy and design. Is it for some medical reason? No, except from one purpose. What? Running. The human body is optimized for walking. When doing this the muscles and the bones work together perfectly and hold it in an ergonomically perfect position (without shoes with heels). This is not the fact when running. So here shoes with heels will help. The only reason to use shoes with heels from a medical perspective is to use them when running.

Now I will explain how ordinary shoes can cause a trauma in the human body. First of all it’s not possible to do that if there is not a genetically factor involved and that factor is a high mobility and a composition of the body that is not made for alternation. Almost all bodies look a little different and also work a little different. So I think it is possible to have high mobility in the body without having pe. It depends a lot on how the construction is built up not only from a mobility perspective.

The lift of the heel
Let’s take an example. A human is standing on a flat surface, let’s say a floor in a house without shoes at all. Let’s say that the weight of the human is 60 kg. Each foot have to keep up a weight around 30 kg. Now let’s have a look at one of the feet. The human does not move. Where is the weight concentrated? On the heels or on the front of the foot while standing still? I don’t think this needs an explanation. Almost all of the weight is concentrated on the heels. Now let’s put on an ordinary shoe that lifts up let’s say 2 cm under the heel. We do it on booth feet. Where will the weight be concentrated now? I think the best way to understand what I mean here is to do this experiment by yourself. What you will find is that there will be a higher pressure on the front of the feet after the shoes have been put on. To compensate for the higher pressure on the front of the feet the body reacts by lean a little bit backwards to release the weight at the front. You can have a look at my webbsite (or blog) and compare the two figures to know what I mean. This is the devastating reaction that may led to pectus excavatum and I will now explain what may happen if there is a genetic predisposition for it.

In the example above a lot more things will also happen in the body. First of all when lifting up the heel the distance between the heel and the knee will be shorter. This leads to that the muscles in the whole lower part of the body (the legs) will start to work in a different way than it is supposed to do. This in turn will tilt the pelvis a little forward. This in turn will change how the muscles will work in the whole upper body. Together with the compensation from release of weight from the front of the feet (as I earlier mentioned) the upper part of the back will be put under pressure because the muscles and bones are no longer able to hold it up in a perfect way. How can this be so devastating? When the upper part of the body starts to compress, the blood flow will be reduced and the muscles in the back starts to malfunction leading to what I will call a free fall of the ribcage. This you can also see be illustrated in the two pictures on my website. This will lead to a permanent shortening of the back and cause the spine to take an unnatural curve called, kyphotic spine. By doing this constantly day out and day in, year out and year in the thorax will be more and more rotated as the years goes by. One thing that also happens is that when the thorax rotates the diaphragm can no longer work properly and keep the pressure from inside of the body causing the sternum to sink in even more (not only because the ribs pulls it in). The diaphragm is a very important muscle that is supposed to keep pressure under the sternum, it will not work properly when the thorax is rotated.

Why is the abdomen affected in most people with pe? The rotated pelvis and the flared ribs will keep it in wrong position cause even more malfunction in the back.

Why do the ribs flare out? This is caused by the rotation of the thorax but it will become even worse because the pressure from the diaphragm that is supposed to expand the lungs in the upper part of the body can’t do it properly. To compensate for the impossibility to expand the lungs under the sternum the pressure from the inside will be concentrated to the lower part of the thorax. So by constantly breathe with the lower part of the lungs it will cause the ribs to flare out even more (not only caused by the rotation). Advanced Version Here  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

X-ray Before Recovery

4.2 cm in this picture. But as you can se I hold in my abs and holds my breath so the real depth when relaxed is around 5 cm.

I can also say that I have reached a new record. I'm below 1 cm at the moment.

Note: It may look like two silhouettes in the photo but there is only one. The black rectangle that shines through is equipment used to focus on the right things. If you want to know all details I think the best way to do it is to ask an x-ray specialist or a doctor to have a look.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Measure the Depth of Pectus Excavatum

To make improvements and to get optimal motivation I think the best way to do it is to measure the depth daily. Try to lie down on the floor and do as the picture shows below. By continously do this every day you will know that you are on the right way.
The picture shows me and the depth in this picture is a little more than 1 cm. Once it was about 5. I will continue with my self-treatment and see if it's possible to go the whole way to full correction.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Beginning of the End

I really hope that this page is the beginning of the end for pe. I have a long experience with this condition and I could write a book about it, but I will not do that at the moment. Instead I will post all information I have here. The page has been up for about 10 Days now and people are comming back here daily at an increasing rate. I just wait for the first post in the Forum saying that the treatment I present here works. I will also continously update the page with new information.

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