Monday, August 5, 2013

How to Lift Your Sternum During Sleep

I have been working on a method to lift the sternum during sleep and now I have started to implement it to my self-treatment. I have tested it for some time to see if it really helps. And the result is that I believe that it is a must to effectively reduce pectus excavatum and hopefully finally reach full correction. The picture below shows how I sleep at the moment and I do it every night the initial 2 hours. After just a few weeks there have been a dramatic improvement to my condition. My depth in the chest was about 1.3 cm when I posted the latest picture and now after my new implementation it is about 9 mm.

The surface shall be 1. Very hard. 2. Keep the human body warm (if it’s cold it will not work properly).

This method will recover the shortening of the back (stretch the muscles) and reduce and hopefully fix the kyphotic spine related to pectus excavatum. The flared ribs will also be dramatically improved.

1.      Do not eat 3 hours before going to sleep to make the diaphragm to work optimal (maximize the space) so it can help to lift the sternum.

2.      Sleep on the back without pillow (extremely important).

3.      Sleep the rest of the night in a normal bed (quite hard) on the left and the right side.

The picture below shows what kind of material I sleep on. It is cellular plastic. But I think you can use a sleeping mat as long as it is very hard and keeps you warm.
     Note: As long as you use shoes that lift up your heels
    your progress will most likely be lost. I recomend to
  read everything on my blog to get the full picture. 


  1. Do you think sleeping the whole night on a hard surface without a cushion will quicken the recovery?

  2. I have tried exactly that. I came to the conclusion that it may have a positive effect if it’s done 1-2 days a week. At some point it gets to uncomfortable so there may be too much physical stress. But I think this might be individually and also depends a lot on the exact surface. A warm surface is a must so that the muscles gets relaxed. Sleeping mat or yoga mat, seems perfect. Maybe a double layer will work as well and be a little more comfortable. Personally, I have taken a break from this extreme sleeping style. But it feels great to know “it’s there” if I need it.
