Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is Kyphotic Spine and Why one Must Fix it?

Kyphoptic spine is a curvature of the spine. People with pectus excavatum have it. It can be so small so it is almost impossible to know it’s there. From side view it protrudes out a little in the upper back. The best way to have a look on it is to use two mirrors and look at the upper back close to the neck or you can consult a doctor to have a look on it. I have found that it can come to exist because of three reasons.

1.       Standing up with ordinary shoes that lifts up the human heels (the posture will be bad).

2.       Sleep on the back in a very soft bed and use of a pillow that lifts the head up.

3.       Sitting down in a back leaning posture.
To get rid of it and to fix pectus excavatum it is necessary to keep the upper back in a correct position 24 hours a day. As long as the curvature of the spine is present I believe that it is impossible to lift the sternum completely because the ribs that are attached to the sternum are also attached to the spine where the curvature is located. The curvature makes the ribs to pull in the sternum and also makes the muscles to malfunction in the upper back causing the rib cage to fall down.

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