How I reduced my PE with more than 80% without surgery. Mainly by wearing shoes that DO NOT alter the posture into an unnatural position, so called ZERO DROP SHOES. I will continue and see if it is possible to reach full correction. New to blogs? You can view all my posts by clicking to the right under “Blog Archive” (I constantly try to improve my grammar and spelling, I am from Sweden). Copyright © [All Rights Reserved]
Posture Diagram

Thursday, November 14, 2013
New Blog: Pectus Carinatum Revolution Blog
new blog about PC, but it will also be about PE as well because
the two conditions are probably closely linked together. I have newly come up
with a theory about why some people develop a combination of PC and PE and a very
important statistic question for people with PC. I think it is needed from many
aspects to keep PC and PE a little bit apart from each other when it comes to
blogs and websites even though they are linked together. For those of you who
are interested, you can get to this new blog by clicking here.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Pectus Carinatum vs Pectus Excavatum Theory
my theories about pectus excavatum took form I made a parallel research in the
field of pectus carinatum. It would of course have been idiotic not to do so.
For those of you who are interested, you can read the “pc vs pe theory” here (a
new homepage called Pectus Carinatum Revolution).
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Zero Drop Shoes/Barefoot Shoes a Must to Fix Pectus Excavatum
picture below illustrates how the curvature in the upper back (an arrow points
on it) comes to exist because of ordinary shoes. I recommend strongly to consider
buying a pair of zero drop shoes/barefoot shoes. Just google it and you will probably find
something of interest. As long as the curvature of the spine is present pectus
excavatum will be created. To be up on the feet in movement with a pair of zero
drop shoes/barefoot shoes is probably the easiest and most effortless way to make improvements
to PE. Everyone should use this kind of shoes to make humanity a lot healthier.
Read more here
Advanced Version Here
Monday, November 4, 2013
Nutrition and Pectus Excavatum
I believe that the most important thing to
think about when it comes to food is to eat things that are good for the muscles
but also remove things that are potentially bad. I don’t say that my ideas
about nutrition and PE applies to everyone but I will in this post tell what I do
and believe is good. Let’s start with what I have removed and why.
During recovery (as described here on my blog) the muscles in the upper back will be stretched so that the kyphosis will be fixed and the sternum lifts out. I believe that some things can cause the muscles to be very stiff and possibly make the recovery very difficult and even impossible. Here is a list of different kinds of things that I have removed from my daily intake:
Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, tobacco, wheat, butter, sugar and all forms of unnatural ingredients (many E-numbers). Chocolate is absolutely the worst of them probably caused by theobromine that can be extremely unhealthy for some animals. Minimize the salt intake is very positive for the muscles.
Tip: If the heart rate rise a lot directly after a meal it may be caused by something that the body doesn’t like obviously. For me personally that can happen especially after eating wheat. Another tip is that I think it is very important to be observant about allergic cross reactions and food allergy in general.
During recovery (as described here on my blog) the muscles in the upper back will be stretched so that the kyphosis will be fixed and the sternum lifts out. I believe that some things can cause the muscles to be very stiff and possibly make the recovery very difficult and even impossible. Here is a list of different kinds of things that I have removed from my daily intake:
Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, tobacco, wheat, butter, sugar and all forms of unnatural ingredients (many E-numbers). Chocolate is absolutely the worst of them probably caused by theobromine that can be extremely unhealthy for some animals. Minimize the salt intake is very positive for the muscles.
Tip: If the heart rate rise a lot directly after a meal it may be caused by something that the body doesn’t like obviously. For me personally that can happen especially after eating wheat. Another tip is that I think it is very important to be observant about allergic cross reactions and food allergy in general.
And now to the list of what I have found to be especially good during recovery:
Fish (seafood in general), potatoes, rye, oats, rice, eggs, cooking
oil (instead of butter), fruits and vegetables especially cucumber and lemon,
quite a lot of water (instead of all forms of liquid).
I try to follow the above rules as much as possible. The two most important things (I belive), is to almost never eat chocolate (kakao) and wheat or possibly very small amounts of them.
I try to follow the above rules as much as possible. The two most important things (I belive), is to almost never eat chocolate (kakao) and wheat or possibly very small amounts of them.
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