Posture Diagram

Posture Diagram

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Light Weight Exercise for Pectus Excavatum: Sternum Lifter

I have during the last two months found out what I believe is the ultimate way to lift and stretch the sternum. It is a light weight exercise that I have developed myself. I will call this exercise “Sternum Lifter”. It activates the muscles in the upper body in two opposite directions which will make the sternum to stretch and lift. I believe that it’s best to do it right before going to sleep so that the muscles in the upper back will get optimal rest during the night. How to do it?

Because this is a light weight exercise you don’t have to buy dumbbells. I grabbed two rocks with a weight around 1.5 kg each.

1.       Lie down on the back with the arms along the side.

2.       Lift the upper body a few centimeters at the same time as you lift the arms so that the rocks              touch each other as illustrated in the picture (not higher than the illustration shows).

3.       Repeat many times (10 reps, 2-3 sets).

Note: I believe that it is very important to not use too heavy weights because that will probably make the wrong muscles to be activated. This is a so called “light weight exercise”. It is also very important to not lift the arms too high. Not higher than the picture shows.