Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sloped Shoulders Related to Kyphosis, PE and a Fix

Sloped shoulders is very common among people with PE and is both a direct consequence of the kyphosis and the sunken sternum. The idea to help the upper back towards a correct position by using a clavicle support is well known today and I have even seen suggestions from doctors on the internet, that this can help mild cases of PE. But that is without the zero drop/barefoot shoes included! The effective combination; zero drop+clavicle support is a must to even be worth trying. So here I will give my hottest tip for a long time which I have tested myself for some time and it really has a good effect.

   1.      Use zero drop shoes and no heavy clothes on the upper body.
   2.      At the same time as point one; use a clavicle support to help correct the spine.
   3.      Be physically active (stand up and walk) around two hours.

But as always: I don’t think that the more one uses it, the better it becomes. The body needs rest in between as with all form of physical training/stress. After all, you are going to physically correct your body quite dramatically so I use it just few hours a day (at least in the initial stage which I am into right now, zero drop I use constantly, the essential base of the whole thing).
What does the clavicle support directly do?
When the shoulders are held back in a natural position the muscles in the upper back will be activated so that they pushes the ribs in the direction of the sunken sternum, this will straighten the spine upwards and help further lift of the sternum.
I recommend to especially take a look on this post: “Nuss Procedure vs Do-it-Yourself-Procedure”. The clavicle support will help doing exactly what is described there.

Very Important Information: Your collarbones shall never go behind your ears. Don't put pressure on your shoulders. The clavicle support is just an advisor for your muscles so they gets activated correctly and reminds you to keep a good posture.    


  1. Hi Bjorn,

    Did you also experience a clicking in your ribs near your sternum? I have- since I've been sleeping without a cushion.

    Many thanks,

  2. What you describes is very common in people with PE and also happens for people without PE as well. You can make a search on the internet if you want to read about it. It is completely harmless, it is just an evidence for that the sternum is loosening up and potentially will lift out.
    Search: cracking sound sternum

  3. Thanks Bjorn. I have yet to try the clavicle brace- excited to see what changes it will bring.

  4. My sternum has also started cracking regularly since I began stretching my thorax daily and sleeping on my back. I'm hope this means it's becoming mobile :)

  5. I'm quite sure about; if you had measured PE before the cracking sound started you would probably have noticed a small lift probably 1-2 mm. The cracking sound; this happened to me in the beginning as well. Nowadays it happens very rarely. It was like this my whole journey to 90 % correction started. I have seen a person on the internet whom describes his achievements as “tremendous” after he started to follow this self-treatment 100 %. I was very happy to see that he really seemed to understand that on must attack PE on all fronts: Lie down correct, sit down correct, and stand up correct. I really hope you will improve your PE the same way he did. Good luck!

  6. Hey Björn, have you considered making a forum for discussions of this blog? A place where people could discuss their progress and share results.

  7. Ryo: I really have been thinking about it. Actually I did set up a very simple forum directly when my website/blog came to exist. There will be a REAL forum later on. I have some plans for the future of my site. It includes a forum, a list of exercises on the gym, videos of all my own exercises, spelling and grammar control by a professional, a more easy-navigated site with more internal links and more. There is lot to improve, that is for sure. I can’t say exactly when it will be realized. Hopefully in the beginning of next year (January) or earlier. Your question gave me motivation. Setting up a forum, is probably one of the most important thing to do in the near future.

  8. Great, thanks. I'll share the progress I've made using your methods and also a few exercises I came up with myself once the forums is up then.

    Got to say, my athletic performance has improved dramatically thanks to you :)

  9. That sounds more than great. I think that other people can benefit from it. I really feel that yet another milestone is reached in the PE-revolution. People get help from this for REAL! I will make a post when the forum is up. I will fix it as soon as I possibly can. Thank you.
