Saturday, May 10, 2014

Modified Dumbbell Pullovers for Pectus Excavatum 2.0


This exercise is the second modification of ordinary dumbbell pullovers and it needs a sharp warning because now it is time for heavy weights and extreme stretching of the sternum and the flared ribs. Beware of injuries.

After some time with my first version I can say that they have helped a lot but after many weeks I have reached a point where heavier weights is a must to make it possible to lift the sternum even more. This one is according to my experience even more effective against flared ribs than the first modified version.

What is new?

I have added more powerful activation of the abs by lifting the legs with the form of the letter “V”. The best is to lie down on a floor or any other flat horizontal surface.

1.       Start in the same position as the ordinary version or my modified first version (start is always the same for all of them).

2.       Lower the quite heavy weight and lift your upper body from the surface at the same time as you lift the legs. The “V-form” of the legs is to minimize the risk for injuries in the lower back and it is strongly recommended to not skip this part.

3.       Repeat 10 reps 2-3 sets.

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