Friday, February 7, 2014

Breathing Exercise for Pectus Excavatum

I have developed this exercise myself. The purpose of it is to make the ribs that are attached to the sternum to push it out and over time get them in to their normal positions. I recommend to be careful in the beginning and not breathe to fast. Four (4) deep exhales per minute not more I think. It is very important to understand that the physiology in people with pectus excavatum is a little different to normal. Exhale (NOT INHALE) will lift the sternum in people with PE even though this may seem like a paradox. I recommend trying it in front of a mirror so you can see that it works. Make sure that the surface you are standing on is absolutely horizontal.
1. As the picture below shows: Stand up with the hands on the chest and the feet width apart
    (this will simulate a walking posture and close the lower ribs).

2. Exhale very powerfully but slowly and let the body inhale by itself (not consciously).

3. I recommend doing this in 5 minute periods at a maximum but it can be done several times a day.

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