Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pectus Excavatum (PE) 90% Improved No Surgery

The depth in this photo is around 5 mm even though it may look a little deeper. It is because I have made quite a lot of incline pushups during the last months so that the chest muscles have grown (muscles+PE=1.5 cm). It is no longer possible to make measurements the same way I did earlier because of that. It looked so much worse just a few years ago so for me it is a huge improvement even though I have seen people with less noticeable PE gone surgery. I will not do that. Instead I will continue and see if it is possible to improve it even more. My belly is also a little fatty. It is much easier to gain weight now since my condition has been improved (around 90%).



  1. Do you post a picture of when your pe was at it's deepest?

  2. I have an X-ray photo here on my blog. The X-ray photo is both stored physically and digitally at the hospital in Örebro, Sweden. I will check out if I can find the normal photo. Yes “the normal photo” because there is actually only one ever taken. I have not seen it for a while (many years) and in worst case it might be lost.

  3. pretty cool, even if it doesnt work, it gives me hope even if it takes 5 years of these daily exercises,
    btw working out chest for 3 years and attaining a 2 inch chest even at 11% body fat and doing every little chest muscle does not help it makes it look worse
