The Exercise and the Breathing Technique
Try to stand up for a while a few minutes and relax (don’t do any aerobic activities right before this exercise). Don’t inhale or exhale heavily. Breathe trough the nose (very small breaths as relaxed as possible). Now try to hold your breath for 10 seconds without inhale or exhale heavily right before. When you are ready try to relax once again and breath through the nose until your breathing has calmed down. Increase the time with 10 seconds next round (10+10=20). Repeat the same procedure and increase with 10 seconds every time. The goal (if you can’t already) is to be able to hold the breath for one minute easily. Try to use the same “breathing-trough-the-nose-technique” on a daily basis (if you don’t already). You should barely feel that you breathe. Breathing trough the nose usually deactivates the intercostal muscles and saves energy too. Those muscles (the muscles between the ribs) should only be activated during aerobic activity which demands breathing trough the mouth. If you feel dizzy sometimes (people with PE often tells they do) it is probably caused by over activity in the breathing process as well. Too much CO2 (carbon dioxide) will leave the body during increased breathing without being physically active. That will be fixed as well by calm down the breathing.