When I say perfect I mean perfect, not just good.
This is the answer.Have you ever seen a football/soccer player with bad posture? I have, but only goal keepers. I think that taking a look on football players is the closest to an evidence one can get for that zero drop/barefoot shoes, combined with physical activity, makes it highly unlikely or maybe even impossible to develop bad posture. Goal keepers are not as physically active on the football field, so that is probably the reason why they in general have a little worse posture than players whom are more active. And I have an extraordinary experience to tell. When I grow up I saw a guy with pectus CARINATUM (not excavatum) completely grow out of it between he was 12 to 22. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that he was a very active football player (training 3-4 times a week). Although I have seen soccer players with pectus excvatum, the degree of them have always been very mild. If they started to develop it before or after they started to play football, is to me unknown. Even possible improvements after they started to play is unknown to me as well. Almost all shoes used on a football field are zero drop or very mildly lifted. On the other hand the heels sinks down quite easy on the field so maybe a little elevation won’t hurt.
Whenever I try to falsify* my theories, they just get
*prove (a statement or theory) to be false